Summer in the Soap Studio

Welcome to June, y'all! Man it is scorching hot already down here in Savannah, and we're spending our days either chasing water or hiding out in the shade somewhere!

Summertime is...different...for my business, and by different, I mean incredibly slow! I used to worry and fret over sales during summer, but I've learned to just roll with it. That's part of owning a business, it's largely feast or famine!

It's all well and good though. I'm a firm believer that there is always enough, even if it's "just enough", and I use this time of year to dig deep and prepare for the approaching busy holiday season as well as brainstorm ideas for next year!

Summer slowdown has its perks too, though! Short work days mean that I get lots of quality time with my family and with my gardens (the days are mostly spent making snacks and watering, haha)!
I'm even growing loofah gourds for the second year in a row. Hopefully, I get a nice crop, so I can share some with y'all! Here's one I grew last year! They make wonderful exfoliating sponges, and I love to use them for washing dishes. Rumor has it, they're edible and tasty when they're small, so naturally, I might have to test that out too.

Anyway, I'm around and certainly filling orders for the online shop, as well as maintaining stock for my retailers. It's not just my business that slows down in summer here, but my downtown SAV retailers as well. If you're so inclined, keep us in mind and shop small when possible. No dollar spent with a small business goes unnoticed, I promise you that.

Here's where you can find my products in person (and what each store carries consistently):

Paris Laundry: All signature soaps, shave soaps, feminine wash, and shampoo/conditioner bars

Litefoot Company: A wide variety of cut-yourself soaps, shave soaps, lip balms, and bulk SCRUBS to fill a jar yourself (yes, you read that right)

Brighter Day: A tidy selection of signature soaps, shave soaps, and shampoo/conditioner bars

I hope you're enjoying these warm and sunny summer days. If you're not, I get it! Admittedly, summer is not my favorite season, but I'm learning to tolerate it. Finding new shady spots to lounge in front of a fan with cold drink helps! Maybe even plant you a flower or two!

Blog posts may be spotty or non-existent for July and August, depending on how things are going! I'm always processing orders and available during normal business hours to answer questions, though.

As always, I very much appreciate you being here, reading this blog, supporting my business, and sharing my products with your friends! Every dollar you spend with small, artisan businesses supports intentional craftsmanship in a world that favors mega corporations and cheap mass-production, and that's a win in my book!

Talk soon!

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