Back on the blog - and with BIG NEWS

Hello, hello! It's me; I'm here! I have so missed writing in the blog, so here I am today, squeezing a post in before a busy day of soap slinging and kid wrangling to TELL YOU that...

Fern Soapery is getting a brick & mortar! In downtown Savannah!!


This has been months in the making, and I have held my breath nearly the whole time. But here I am, light-headed and lease-signed, and so incredibly elated to share this wonderful news.

Ever since I was a child, I've dreamed of having a little shop, but I never knew how I would be able to make it happen. I've been at the soap game for about 5 years under one name or another and all at different levels of seriousness, always with the goal of having a retail space to call my own. It's surreal to say the least to be here, now.

I've networked and prayed my ass off for a year, working all the while with what I have, where I have it. I'm at a loss for words and probably rambling a little, but I had to share it here!

Right now, we are building out the space and juuuust getting started with moving in. We hope to have the storefront open by the end of June / beginning of July, so keep your eyes peeled for updates on that as well as some new goodies that should be hitting the website within the next week or so!

Thank you for being here <3

TTFN, Courtney

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